CBD is important. As of today it is the most studied, advertised and featured cannabinoid in the hemp plant. It is also the most dense and most, if not all, hemp oils available are CBD focused. Still, the hemp plant is filled with over 100+ cannabinoids all of which provide powerful plant medicine capabilities. Despite wide infatuation with CBD, MINERAL formulates with all the cannabinoids featured in our hemp genetics. Our formulations are most dense in CBD but we work diligently on the farm and in the lab to establish cannabinoid content that is rich in ancillary cannabinoids and terpenes.
Nonetheless, our products are far from CBD focused. Our intention in every batch is to extract full spectrum cannabinoid oil to serve as the foundation of our formulations. This allows us to deliver products at highest bioavailability and increase the likelihood of properly nourishing the body’s endocannabinoid system. So, as it stands:
Cannabinoids are the chemical compounds secreted by cannabis flowers. Cannabinoids provide relief to the physical, mental and emotional diseases by binding to receptor sites in the brain and the body responsible for communication between cells. Cannabinoids imitate compounds our bodies naturally produce called endocannabinoids, which activate to maintain mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. Thus, consuming cannabinoids creates balance between the mind and body.
Refers to the appearance and use of several cannabinoids, most often dense in CBD with average to low content of ancillary cannabinoids, including THC. Full spectrum cannabinoids are essential to create the entourage effect in which the body and mind benefit most from cannabinoids activating receptor sites simultaneously.
A system of receptor sites in the brain and body responsible for maintaining homeostasis. When the endocannabinoid system is properly nourished by full spectrum cannabinoids are bodies are primed to adapt, recover and restore from daily stressors.
Occurs naturally in dense amounts in the hemp plant. CBD is responsible for activating cannabinoid receptor sites and therefore essential to feeding the endocannabinoid system. All of MINERAL’s formulations feature CBD most prominently and rely on it’s stimulation of receptor sites to increase the effectiveness of ancillary cannabinoids.
Pain Management
Anxiety & Stress
Currently gaining acclaim as a sleep aid, CBN occurs as THC is exposed to air, sun and time. CBN is difficult to accomplish in large quantities but effective in small doses. MINERAL products feature small does of CBN in all formulations with a concentrated dose in SLEEP.
Featured in: SLEEP
A hemp exclusive cannabinoid, CBG is less studied and therefore still acquiring a specific medicinal audience. We cite CBG as an appetite enhancer, a cancer inhibitor, and recognize its ability to improve cognitive function. As with CBD, CBG is an anti-inflammatory agent.
Cognitive Function
Pain Management
CBCA, CBC, CBGA, CBDV are cannabinoids that occur in small amounts in our hemp genetics and therefore in our formulations. Their medical benefits vary but their appearance is vital to fully experience the benefit of CBD as an anti-inflammatory.
Increased effectiveness of primary cannabinoids